WordPress Hosting

Reliable, fast and secure hosting for WordPress

Professional Hosting

Powerful cloud-based hosting for business and e-commerce websites

Cloudflare integrated premium WordPress Hosting. Designed for businesses that need the ultimate in reliability, security and performance. 

Premium Standard

Great for smaller businesses that need dedicated power.

Starting From

£29.99 / mo

Premium Plus

For more demanding websites or larger businesses.

Starting From

£38.99 / mo

Premium Ultimate

Higher resources to power any WordPress website.

Starting From

£44.99 / mo

WordPress Hosting Features

Safeguard your digital presence and brand with a top-tier WordPress hosting solution

Experience the excellence of premium WordPress hosting, offering unmatched performance, security, and scalability right from the start.


More secure compared to shared hosting solutions or cheaper alternatives.


Host on the latest generation technology, and powerful AMD CPUs.


Expand on-demand by utilising scalable cloud-based hosting platforms.


Get expert support and advice whenever you have problems or questions.

About SaneChoice

Reducing the burden of technology services for our valued clients

Since 2004, SaneChoice has been helping clients with their technology. From beautiful and functional web design to ensuring their business is secure.

Technology & Partners

Strategic partnerships with industry leaders for unparalleled client success.

SaneChoice has established partnerships with industry leaders such as Digital Ocean, Amazon Web Services, and Cloudflare to provide reliable technology solutions for businesses of all sizes.