
What Google Knows About You

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what google knows about you

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Google knows a lot about you. In fact, it knows more about you than you may realize. Google tracks your search history, keeps track of your location, and even monitors your internet activity. This can be a bit unsettling for some people. If you’re not comfortable with Google knowing all this information about you, there is something you can do about it: use a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) will help protect your information by encrypting your data and hiding your IP address. In this blog post, we will discuss 9 things Google knows about you and how using a VPN can help protect your privacy!

Search History

Although you may be aware that search engines can monitor your search history, you may not realize to what extent this is true. Google keeps track of every single search you make. This means that they know what you’re interested in, what you’re looking for, and what you’re curious about.

As if this was not creepy enough, search engines like Google track exactly how long you looked at each search result, what position it was in, and whether or not you clicked on it. They even keep track of the searches you don’t finish!

While this may be useful for Google in order to improve their search results, it can be a bit frightening for users who are concerned about their privacy. If you’re one of these people, using a VPN can help. A VPN will encrypt your data and hide your IP address, making it more difficult for Google to track your activity.

Location Tracking

Google also tracks your location. This is done through a combination of GPS data, IP addresses, and wifi networks. By tracking your location, Google can provide you with customized results based on where you are. For example, if you search for “restaurants” while you’re in New York City, Google will show you different results than if you were to search for the same term while you’re in London.

Location tracking can be useful when you’re looking for nearby businesses or attractions. However, it can also be intrusive if you’re not comfortable with Google knowing where you are at all times. If this is the case, it is worth considering using a VPN to stay protected.

Internet Search Activity

In addition to tracking your search history and location, Google also monitors your internet activity. This includes the websites you visit, the videos you watch, and app usage. By keeping track of your internet activity, Google is able to show you targeted ads.

For example, if you’ve been visiting a lot of cooking websites recently, you may start seeing ads for kitchen appliances on other websites. While this can be convenient if you’re actually in the market for a new kitchen appliance, it can be annoying if you’re not. It can also be concerning from a privacy standpoint. If you don’t want Google to know what kind of websites you’re visiting or what kinds of videos you’re watching, it is worth looking into using a VPN for the same reasons mentioned previously.

Google’s Personalised Ads

Google uses the information it collects about you to show you personalized ads. This means that the ads you see are based on your interests, location, and internet activity. Although the reason for concern may not seem as apparent here, it is important to remember that the ads you see are not just based on your current interests. Google also keeps track of your past interests and searches in order to show you more relevant ads.

For example, if you searched for a new car a few months ago but didn’t buy one, you may start seeing ads for cars again. This can be frustrating if you’re no longer interested in buying a car. Not only this, but Google works in favor of businesses, not users. This means that the ads you see are designed to be persuasive and effective in getting you to buy a product or service that you may not need.

Voice and Image Searches

This just might make you want to unplug your devices and go live in the woods. Google also keeps track of the voice and image searches you make.

This information is stored in your account along with all of the other data mentioned previously. This means that if you ever use your voice to search for something on your device, Google will have a record of it. The same goes for image searches. If you ever use Google’s image search feature, they will keep a record of the images you searched for.

In other words, Google knows exactly what you sound like, what you like looking at, and what you’re interested in. If that doesn’t scare you, you just might be fearless!


Another thing Google knows about you is your purchase history. If you use Gmail, any time you buy something online, the receipt will be stored in your email. This may not seem like a big deal, but it means that Google has a record of everything you’ve ever bought online.

What’s more, if you use Android Pay or make purchases through other Google services, they will also have a record of these transactions. This information can be used to show you targeted ads and personalized results. It can also be used to build up a profile of who you are and what your interests are.

So whether you make purchases online or in-store, Google will find out in one way or another, whether it be through your location or receipts.

YouTube History

As if tracking your history on their own platform wasn’t enough, Google also keeps track of your YouTube history. This includes the videos you watch, the channels you subscribe to, and the comments you make.

All of this information is stored in your account and can be used to show you more relevant ads and content. Similar to your purchase history, Google uses all this data to try and better understand who you are and what your interests are.

While there may not be as much concern here as with some of the other data Google collects, it is still important to be aware that they are keeping track of your activity on YouTube.

App Usage

Another thing Google knows about you is how you use your apps. This includes the apps you have installed, the ones you use the most, and how often you use them. This information is used to show you personalized ads and content. It can also be used to improve your user experience.

For example, if Google sees that you’re using an app a lot, they may send you notifications or updates about that app. This means that the next time you make a Google search, you may be impressed by how useful their products are. But, if you’re not careful, this data can be used to manipulate your behavior. Google has been known to use this information in order to get users to spend more time on their devices.

Location History

This is one of the scariest things Google knows about you. They keep track of everywhere you go. From the bank to the grocery store to your friend’s house, Google knows where you are at all times. Not only this, but Google and other search engines and apps can even know when you are in proximity of someone else and they may even show you ads that could be of interest to the person you are with.

What’s more, is that this information is stored in your account and can be used to show you targeted ads. For example, if you go to a lot of coffee shops, Google may show you ads for coffee or cafes. If you go to a lot of clothing stores, they may show you ads for clothes. So, no, it’s not a coincidence that you’re seeing ads for the things you recently visited or spoke about!

How VPNs Protect You Online

Now that you know some of the things Google knows about you, it’s time to do something about it. The best way to protect your data and keep your information private is by using a VPN. Here are just a few of the ways a VPN can help:

Encrypted Connections

One of the most important things a VPN does is encrypt your data. This means that your information is unreadable to anyone who may try to intercept it. In simple terms, a VPN creates a secure tunnel for your data to travel through.


Another benefit of using a VPN is that it can help you remain anonymous online. When you connect to a VPN, your IP address is hidden. This means that your location and identity are hidden from the websites you visit. Some VPNs even offer features that make it impossible for websites to track you. For example, some VPNs will block cookies and other tracking methods.

Improved Security

A VPN can also improve your security by providing you with a safe connection to the internet. This is especially important if you’re using public Wi-Fi or connecting to an untrusted network. As mentioned before, a VPN will encrypt your data and keep it safe from anyone who may try to intercept it.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the things Google knows about you. While some of this information may not be as concerning as others, it’s still important to be aware of what data is being collected and how it’s being used. The best way to protect your information is by using a VPN. In this article, we’ve discussed some of the ways a VPN can help. If you’re concerned about your privacy, we recommend that you start using a VPN today!

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